MZX Maze Land
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Requires MegaZeux 2.81 or newer.
MZX Maze Land
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Goshi  said:
Last modified 2012-05-19 01:49:33
Simply the greatest MZX game of all time!

Take roll as the player as he gets warped to MZX Maze Land by the evil Stan. The maze features fantastic graphics that surpass that of classics like Engine 2 and Honor Quest Special Edition. The first area features gorgeous gloomy scenery whilst the final battle's bright and vibrant colors will keep you on the edge of your seat! Its amazing MZX can have graphics like this!

The robotic code is prehaps the most advanced of this generation! Taoyarin has nothing on the coding of this game! The robots that drop bombs when you touch them, the robots that push you into a wall of fire if you answer a question wrong... The coding is all of high class! Stan himself is a fantastic final boss! Featuring the most ingenious attacks in all of MZX history!

Alas this game does have one sole flaw. It lacks music. I would expect an equally awesome soundtrack to accompany this masterpiece but however we can only dream of such a thing. However to make up for it we have some top quality sound effects! Ay Carumba's sound effects don't even come close!

Overall this is... without a doubt the greatest MZX game! And I highly suggest you do not download it as your computer is clearly not worthy of such a fantastic game!