Happy Pills
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Requires MegaZeux 2.82 or newer.
Happy Pills
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ThDPro  said:
Last modified 2011-12-21 01:04:25
Happy Pills has it's moments, but this game has a few infuriating problems (fortunately none of which are game stopping) that really take away from it.

For one, the damn weapons all work completely inconsistently, and for as many "different" weapons as there are, each seems to have the same problems as the last: if the enemies are in the wrong spot, it won't effect them, if an enemy is in the wrong cycle, it isn't effected by the weapon and there is a tendency for all the enemies to just bombard you with no option but to take it seeing as how your weapon won't do anything to them while they attack.

Something else I thought would take away from this game was the graphics, which seemed to have some disparity throughout the game, ended up working pretty well. At first, it seemed like it was going to be standard BKZX fare with the sloppy rushed look and standard default pb1s everywhere, but this changed to and from halfway decent graphics quite a few times.

The storyline didn't seem to be of any consequence and it's pretty plastic when you get down to it.

My biggest fight with this game is the damn roses segment. It's not fun, it's tedious. Play the game, you'll see.

I have to give this 2/5, mostly because it just isn't that good a game, but I have to say it can have its moments. It might be worth a play at some point.