Super Zero 2
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.51s1 or newer.
Super Zero 2
No summary available.
Goshi  said:
Last modified 2012-04-22 18:10:20
Super Zero 2 is one of the first MZX games I've played, back then this game struck is me as amazing but now... heh.

The graphics are very decent the first two levels look great, however the graphics slowly start degrade after that plus the graphics of the first two levels are very similar to Super Mario Bros 3 and Kirby's Adventure.

The enemies are TERRIBLE. Horribly programmed and not particallary interesting a single bit. Some enemies are built-ins in fact. Plus the damage ratio is pretty screwed, some enemies take off a massive chunk of health whilst others take almost nothing. And the only boss of the game is horribly programmed.

The level design is pretty flawed too, often you have to jump over ridiculously far pits, the 3rd level is a huge pain considering the enemies are a pain in the neck (For built-ins) and simply take all the fun out. The status menu is buggy and nothing fancy either (Plus its sorta ripped from the MZX Encyclopedia).

Next you have two characters, but they are different at all, one uses A to jump the other uses Up. Plus the other chracter gets screwed up anyway in the last level. On another note the ice level was stupid, low gravity. Theyt just wanted to use ice so that way it would look like it was snowing and make it seem slippery but it looks stupid and bland, plus it wrecks the side scroller engine a little.

But lets talk a bit more about Pros okay, the main character is decently animated, although his jumping sprite could really use some work. (He rolls up into the default MZX Orb char... oh come on...), the side scroller system is decent although it feels like that was ripped from the encyclopedia too (It probably was.)

So overall this game is pretty poor, whilst it was amazing to us all back in the old days, when you look at it now. Its just meh.
Maxim  said:
Posted date unknown
It may have it's problems, but it's still one of the prettiest full sidescroller games in mzx. Plus, the Lotus3 music just plain kicks ass.