Dungeons of Dismay
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.51s1 or newer.
Dungeons of Dismay
No summary available.
Posted date unknown
Nicely constructed (although simple) random dungeon game. Very fun but it can get repetitive. Some of the boss type enemies can be cheap. I liked the unique artifacts, though.
Dr Lancer-X  said:
Posted date unknown
Quite a unique game for its time- collecting the artefacts can get quite addictive, but the game tends to be a bit same-y after a while. Well worth a look.
Zinfandel  said:
Last modified 2013-04-20 16:41:41
This game is really fun - collecting treasures is ridiculously entertaining. Pity that it doesn't work right in the latest version of Megazeux - tomes of knowledge being rapidly generated all over the place... collect too many and your XP meter will get stuck the next time you go to the save screen. I wish PenguZ was still around.
Lachesis  said:
Last modified 2013-04-21 22:41:11
Everything about this game is irritating to play. The random dungeon generation is enough to keep your interest for a while but the bugs start catching up fast -- the Tome of Knowledge bug is just the first of many, having been introduced in the port. The enemies, for the most part, are mounds of built-ins with their chars changed. The robot enemies are actually more annoying than the built-ins. Got a lot of experience points in the level you just beat? Grab a pillow, you'll be napping while the game counts them up! Sometimes debug messages pop up. When I was hunting down the Tome bug in DOS versions, the entire game would stop mid-way through generating levels. Minor complaint: "Your Dead!"

Oh yeah. It's a demo.